Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sorry, We Left the TP on the Tracks in Gainsville

Queen Victoria saw her first train in 1836. What does that have to do with South Carolina's history? That's an excellent question for some grad student who needs a thesis topic.

Tomorrow's lecture at the archives starts at 5:30pm. Topics include the development of railroad stations (hey, we couldn't ride nonstop like cattle forever, and someone's got to take care of the train), logging and phosphate railroads (mmm, phosphates, so tasty...), and the Piedmont and Northern railroads.

Come one, come all, get munchies beforehand, and if you missed last week's discussion on when exactly real toilets became standard equipment on trains (the 1970s; prior to that date, think outhouse dropping onto the tracks), you missed a seriously ripe reality check.

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