Wednesday, June 23, 2010


A sad day today as we bow to the ugly reality of budget cuts and say farewell to some of our faithful staff. A lot of our faithful staff, actually.

There just aren't enough words - .


  1. A sad day indeed, and this news needs to get out there. We don't want the public to think that we're out of the woods with our budget.

  2. The world is populated by two types of frogs. The kind of frog that jumps, and the kind of frog that simply does not jump at an opportunity, when presented. There are many opportunities for develop revenues streams to stabilize the funding of public services. Unfortunately, those frogs who inhabit leadership positions often just don't jump at opportunities.

    There is plenty of money to fund the SCDAH and other agencies:

    "$350 million funding proposal for South Carolina Public Schools"

    A picture if worth a 1000 words. Most people would rather look at a picture that be suffer through a 1000 words. Here are a couple of simple pictures that illustrate a budget deficit and how to achieve a budget surplus.

    "Schematic Diagrams Showing How to Balance the Budget with Taxpayer Choice"

    While much is said about school choice, the way to achieve a more stable revenue stream is to adopt Taxpayer Choice. Give people and businesses the options and flexibility to meet their tax assessment (a tax bill with their name on it) in a variety of ways. For example, would your rather pay your county car taxes by writing a check directly to the County Treasurer's office or by buying a few dollars work of lottery ticket each week with half the purchase price being treated as a tax payment that is credited directly to your personal, motor vehicle tax assessment?

    "Taxpayer Choice – Shopping around for the best tax deals"

  3. Oops, I now see a few typing mistakes in my comment.
